
Speaking Opportunities

Join a rapidly growing community of open source innovators learning and sharing feature progress and interesting applications
OpenTeams is building the best network of enterprise technology architects, open source innovators, and Enterprise decision makers. We want to connect your services, open source projects, or products with our community through events called TechShares.

About TechShares

TechShares are one-hour events that we host every Friday for the community and privately for companies. Speakers have 10 minutes to present a project they are excited about that can help our community of contributors, architects, and decision-makers. Attendees can later meet with the presenters and schedule 1×1 meetings if desired.

Personalized TechShares

OpenTeams works directly with enterprise clients to schedule personalized TechShares based on their needs and interests. Therefore, if you present at these TechShares, you only need to focus on one use case.

Industry TechShares

OpenTeams schedules a TechShare every Friday and invites specific segments of our community of decision-makers to attend. The Friday TechShares focus on industries, solutions, and open source technologies.

Why Speak

TechShare brings enterprise solution architects together each week to discuss the future of technology. Come learn, network, and contribute. 

Access Enterprise Connections

OpenTeams can connect your project community with our network of over 30K contributors, enterprise architects and decision-makers from various disciplines who use open source software professionally.

Promote Your Projects

Your technology projects and ideas are innovative; continue to promote and share them using this platform as part of a well-rounded outreach strategy.

TechShares Are Completely Free

Participating in TechShares is entirely free. No sponsorship is required to participate. Once you present, you can meet with attendees post-event.

Generate More Leads And Build Your Project

Present at TechShares and build relationships and your brand with enterprise customers to get more contributors, users, and contacts around your project or product.

Become a Speaker

What do You Want to Present?

Below are some topics of interest for our audience; please choose one of these categories for your presentation or present a new one.

Upcoming TechShare Technologies: