Big Data Orchestration & Workflow Management

A theoretical course covering topics on how to handle data at scale and the different tools needed for orchestrating big data systems and manage the workflow. Learners will be able to dive into the vast world of data and computing at scale and get a comprehensive overview of the distributed resource management ecosystem.

4 hours of instruction

A theoretical course covering topics on how to handle data at scale and the different tools needed for orchestrating big data systems and manage the workflow. Learners will be able to dive into the vast world of data and computing at scale and get a comprehensive overview of the distributed resource management ecosystem.


  1. Understand the big data ecosystem and what role orchestration and resource management play in it
  2. Students will explore tools and methodologies needed for distributed workflow management and orchestration


Foundations of Big Data


  1. Resource Management
    • Need for resource management at scale
    • Resource management for distributed systems
    • Tools for resource management at scale
  2. Workflow Orchestration Tools
    • Workflow orchestration for distributed systems
    • Workflow orchestration tools at scale



About Instructor


56 Courses

Not Enrolled
This course is currently closed