Build Tools: Module Bundlers

A course that introduces you to build tools for JavaScript, specifically module bundlers. Learn about some popular module bundlers and how to use a module bundler when building a React app.

4 hours of instruction

A course that introduces you to build tools for JavaScript, specifically module bundlers. Learn about some popular module bundlers and how to use a module bundler when building a React app.


  1. Learners will understand what build tools are, specifically module bundlers
  2. Introduce Webpack, Parcel and Rollup as module bundlers
  3. Understand how to use a module bundler, walking through the steps of the process


Build Tools: Task Runners


  1. Introduction To Module Bundlers
    • Introduction to module bundlers and why they are beneficial
    • Webpack and Parcel
    • Setting up Parcel and using Parcel with middleware
  2. Using Webpack
    • When to use Webpack instead of Parcel
    • Implement Webpack and walk through to all the steps and tools needed


Browser, Terminal, VS Code

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56 Courses

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