Build Tools: Task Runners

A course that introduces learners to build tools for JavaScript, specifically task runners. The courses covers popular task runners and what works best for JavaScript.

4 hours of instruction

A course that introduces learners to build tools for JavaScript, specifically task runners. The courses covers popular task runners and what works best for JavaScript.


  1. Learners will understand what build tools are, specifically task runners
  2. Understand when to use task runners and how to use NPM scripts


Package Managers


  1. Introduction To Task Runners
    • Learn about task runners and the role they play when building a react application
    • Understand what some popular task runner tools are, such as Grunt and Gulp, and the difference between them and module bundlers
    • Introduction to NPM scripts and the overall benefit of using NPM scripts versus other popular task runners
  2. Npm Scripts
    • Introduction to how to build a simple NPM script
    • How to use an NPM script as a build tool
    • Working with scripts such as testing, chaining and more
    • Using your scripts for deployments


Browser, Terminal, VS Code

About Instructor


56 Courses

Not Enrolled
This course is currently closed