Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for Image Recognition

This course starts of a series of topics on neural networks designed to solve a particular family of tasks. In this course students will be able to get an overview of how to work with image data and build Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) - the industry standard for tackling image-based data.

4 hours of instruction

This course starts of a series of topics on neural networks designed to solve a particular family of tasks. In this course students will be able to get an overview of how to work with image data and build Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) – the industry standard for tackling image-based data.


  1. Define use cases for image analysis
  2. Define the concept of a CNN and implement the CNN on the MNIST dataset


Neural Networks & Deep Learning


  1. Image Analysis With CNNs
    • Overview of CNNs and their use cases
    • Model inputs and outputs for image analysis type problems
  2. CNN Architecture
    • CNN architecture
    • Training process of a CNN
  3. CNN Implementation
    • Image data processing for CNNs
    • Building and implementing simple CNNs
    • Measuring and assessing performance


You will have access to a Python-based JupyterHub environment for this course. No additional download or installation is required.

About Instructor


56 Courses

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This course is currently closed