Data Visual Design and Storytelling

This 12-hour workshop teaches participants the fundamentals of data visualization, which they can use to support data-driven decision-making and a data-driven culture. By the end of this course, participants will be able to recognize misleading or inaccurate charts and graphs, understand the design principles involved in creating compelling and accurate visualizations, and create a narrative that accurately supports the data, provides context, and reveals actionable insights.

12 hours of instruction

This 12-hour workshop teaches participants the fundamentals of data visualization, which they can use to support data-driven decision-making and a data-driven culture. By the end of this course, participants will be able to recognize misleading or inaccurate charts and graphs, understand the design principles involved in creating compelling and accurate visualizations, and create a narrative that accurately supports the data, provides context, and reveals actionable insights.


  1. Identify the components of a variety of charts and graphs
  2. Practice selecting and evaluating case-specific visualizations
  3. Understand the design principles involved in creating compelling and accurate visualizations
  4. Recognize misleading or inaccurate charts and graphs
  5. Create data narratives tailored to an audience’s communicative needs


No background in math or data analysis is required, but we recommend that students have some familiarity with Excel.


  1. The basics of data visualization
    • Exploratory vs. explanatory data analysis
    • Data types
    • Selecting data tools
    • Standard chart components
  2. Using appropriate visuals
    • Common charts and graphs
    • Comparison, composition, relationship, and distribution
    • The who, what, and how of visualization
  3. Designing compelling visualizations
    • Reducing chart clutter
    • Basic principles of visual design theory
    • Revising visualizations
    • Evaluating revisions
  4. Identifying errors
    • Common visualization mistakes
    • Misleading statistics
    • Visual distortions
  5. Principles of data storytelling
    • Storytelling as a process
    • Framing and actionable insight
    • Engaging an audience
    • Storyboarding
    • Formatting for delivery



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56 Courses

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