Fundamentals of Data Literacy

This 12-hour workshop educates participants on the fundamentals of data science and how to apply them in such a way that it is relevant even to those who will neither manage nor consume data regularly. Attendees will learn: data science concepts and associated terminology; why data science is important; what it means to work in a data-driven culture including the skills necessary to thinking critically about data; common issues in data collection and analysis such as bias, data gaps, and imprecision; strategies for interpreting data visualizations produced by others; and foundational steps those who are not data scientists can take to incorporate data analysis into their work.

12 hours of instruction

This 12-hour workshop educates participants on the fundamentals of data science and how to apply them in such a way that it is relevant even to those who will neither manage nor consume data regularly. Attendees will learn: data science concepts and associated terminology; why data science is important; what it means to work in a data-driven culture including the skills necessary to thinking critically about data; common issues in data collection and analysis such as bias, data gaps, and imprecision; strategies for interpreting data visualizations produced by others; and foundational steps those who are not data scientists can take to incorporate data analysis into their work.


  1. Explain what it means to work in a data-driven culture
  2. Discuss data science concepts and terms
  3. Interpret data visualizations to make strategic decisions


No background in math or data analysis is required.


  1. Creating a data-driven culture
    • Data-driven decision making
    • The data science process
    • Choosing feasible and meaningful projects
    • Designing and revising data projects
  2. The benefits of data
    • Introduction to data analytics
    • Data governance strategy
    • Selecting data tools
    • Structuring data teams
  3. Foundational data science methods
    • The basics of machine learning
    • Clustering and its uses
    • Classification and its uses
    • Regression and its uses
    • Questions to ask about data science processes
  4. Advanced data science methods
    • Text mining and its uses
    • Graph analysis and its uses
    • Neural networks and their uses
    • Questions to ask about data science processes
  5. Principles of data visualization
    • The impact of data visualization
    • Selecting charts and graphs to present results
    • Tailoring visualizations to an audience
    • Designing data visualizations
    • Recognizing misleading and inaccurate visualizations



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56 Courses

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