Interactive Visualization in R

In this course, learners will use R packages to create charts and maps with interactive elements. Tooltips, hover states, and other dynamic elements allow for the encoding of additional layers of data to enrich your data visualizations. Learners will build basic interactive visualizations using the Highcharter package before moving on to more advanced chart types. Learners will also work with more complex data to create maps and network graphs, exportable as HTML widgets.

6 hours of instruction

In this course, learners will use R packages to create charts and maps with interactive elements. Tooltips, hover states, and other dynamic elements allow for the encoding of additional layers of data to enrich your data visualizations. Learners will build basic interactive visualizations using the Highcharter package before moving on to more advanced chart types. Learners will also work with more complex data to create maps and network graphs, exportable as HTML widgets.


  1. Import, export, clean, and manipulate data in R
  2. Create interactive visualizations with transformed data
  3. Create various interactive charts for different types of data


Learners should be moderately proficient at wrangling data and performing basic data cleaning operations in R. Experience producing static visualizations is recommended.


  1. Interactive Plotting Libraries
    • Interactive visualization use cases
    • Visualizing data with highcharter
  2. Interactive Plots
    • Various plot types available in highcharter library
    • Creating scatterplots, correlation plots, column plots, and boxplots
    • Saving and viewing interactive plots by using htmlwidgets library
  3. Summary Data Visualization
    • Transforming and summarizing data for visualization
    • Visualizing summary data
  4. Interactive Maps
    • Transforming and preparing data for maps
    • Creating maps and displaying spatial data over time
  5. Network Graphs
    • Transforming and preparing data for network graph visualizations
    • Building and customizing interactive network graphs


You will have access to an R-based Posit Cloud environment for this course. No additional download or installation is required.

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148 Courses

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