nbgrader Open Source Development


In this episode of Open Source Directions, we were joined by Ian Stuart, a maintainer of nbgrader. nbgrader is a tool that facilitates creating and grading assignments in the Jupyter notebook. It allows instructors to easily create notebook-based assignments that include both coding exercises and written free-responses. nbgrader then also provides a streamlined interface for quickly grading completed assignments.

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um okay okay hello the internet welcome to open source
directions brought to you by open teams the b2b marketplace for all your support and services for all your
favorite open source projects open source directions brings you all of your favorite news about your favorite
projects uh favorite open source projects my name is henry badri and i’m the growth marketer here at open teams and joining
me is the co-host today is madikin hi i’m medica and i’m excited to be co-host for this episode
of open source directions i’m a post-doc at the university of illinois at urbana-champaign
i work on an open source project called the yt project and i’m based in urbana illinois
thank you hello my name is ian stewart i work for a university
here in scotland and one of the services that we provide uses nbcgrader so i’m here to talk to
you about mbgrader what it is what it addresses what it does and all sorts of things we could do with
it in the future awesome thank you thank you for joining us i’m super excited for this episode
we’re now going to kick it off with a tweet of the week section something a little bit new uh this week which ian will be sharing
uh something that’s a bit off the cuff and then something to be fun so uh ian do you want to kick it off
so we we were talking about this before before he went on air things that things that we do that are a
bit unusual and a bit different um i i was a king of summer and my son
killed me there we are i was killed on stage in front of i think it was 8
000 people actually watching at the time so yes and what is the king of summer again
okay in pagan mythology which is celtic mythology
is very important scotland very celtic organized um this predates christianity this
predates the concept of a single god figure a lot of it is anthropomorphized
so it’s what you see out there you you kind of personalize humanize the
things you see and what you see is the seasons changing so you see summer growing and getting
bountiful and getting full and then something comes along and kills it
so when you try and tell that tale what you do is you give you give these
things characters you give them almost humanize them so i was that representation of
summer and the winter part was my friend nickname spike so spike was
the king of winter i was the king of summer and he came along and killed me
in front of eight thousand people on a stage in edinburgh so we’re all it was a lot like was all
were all 8 000 people co located there were some watching like you know
yeah a live stream no no it’s all done on stage it’s actually all done by a huge group of volunteers
you want to find out you need to look up beltane b-e-l-t-a-n
one of those things that lowly lonely planet says you have to watch okay so you left us all with a wonderful
gem of beltane edinburgh to look up after this go and look it up it is the most amazing
thing you will ever go and watch and if you’re in edinburgh particularly students in edinburgh very
definitely involved it’s just fantastic it’s such a welcoming community
go and go and watch it it will blow your socks off okay i’m super excited thank you for
sharing um mine is not nearly as interesting i was not killed on stage at any point
in my life um however i have a um i don’t have a specific tweet of the
week but i have a new twitter profile that i found that i would like to share with everybody called ethics and bricks
it is somebody who uh sort of recreates different ethics quotes um or ideas
with legos and so you can kind of go through there’s a dostoyevsky lego
situation or a it’s really fun i think it’s really cute
um i only knew about lego grad students i thought this was a very fun sort of addition
um to look at so enjoy all of the tweets in this profile everybody
awesome thanks for sharing and mine is just a little bit of a plug for open teams but we’re next week going to be releasing a new
podcast called open source for business and basically we’ve been interviewing
and talking to we’ve done seven seven episodes now we talked to some of the biggest names in open source uh sort of at the intersection of both
open source and business so we’ve had gil yehuda andrew aiken guy martin many great names already and it just is
i think yeah check it out and and stay tuned uh now we’re just going to go into the
introduce the project uh nb grader so that is a tool that facilitates creating and grading
assignments in jupyter notebooks uh it allows instructors to easily create notebook-based assignments that include
both coding exercises and written free responses so it has 925
stars on github and about 60 000 downloads are based off conda
so ian can you tell us a little bit about why this project was started and what need it feels absolutely
absolutely so embi grader as you said is a project’s come out of mit
lots of the jupiter work has come out of mit
what is it why is it there well okay so the thing i liken it to is homework
as a teacher you you try and impart knowledge to students
but the only way you can check they do it is to give them homework and there are many ways of doing it if
you’re in the jupiter notebook environment then giving them a an assignment a
notebook to go and do exercises and then grade it is really good
so that’s where it comes from that’s why it’s there and as you say text free form lots of variations in
that why did they develop it essentially it makes somebody’s life easier
you know if you can automate handing out the assignments you don’t have to email it to them and
forget someone uh if it’s got a system for bringing them back to you you don’t have to wait
for them to email back to you it does all that for you grading it does it for you
it just makes life easier lots of things in programming should be about making your life easier
very firm believer in that where it comes from okay great yeah i think i definitely
used something if it wasn’t mb grade it was at least something very very similar when i was doing computer science at university
and it just made it very easy again like a lot of it was automated there was no need to go back and do everything
manually for the teachers and i just made it a breeze so i’m also just knowing can you explain a little bit about the history
of the name and the logo well for start it has no logo
it’s one of these things that like it has no logo and an nb grader is nb for notebook and
greater for greater it’s what it says on the tin it didn’t do anything fancy when it comes to
naming it i like it very utilitarian uh i mean
there’s also utilitarian tweet in the um in the profile i mentioned earlier
amazing callback so perfect uh ian can you tell us a little
bit if there’s alternative projects that are in the ecosystem that have to do with grading a notebook type um
so i’m not i’m not aware of anything else in jupiter in jupiter land that does this
there are lots of other systems out there that do grading or do moving assignments around
and judging by the number of computer science people at edmond university that go can you include my favorite thing please
there’s an awful lot of them but um but no none of them exist in the jupiter environment and
that’s where we’re working our service is a jupiter hub service so we want a jupiter
enabled thing to work so mbgrader is what works for us and what
we’ve extended and made i hope better and so you mentioned that
it’s built on jupiter is it is it built on any other technologies nope well
it’s got postgresql technology so nb grader itself is
a notebook classic notebook not jupiter lab
plugin it’s an extension and the only thing it uses other than javascript and python is it
uses an sql-like database so it’s a book standard extension
nothing clever well nothing fancy just some very clever people i was going to
call you out if you said nothing clever because the envy greater is definitely a clever and useful
it’s some very very clever people got something that’s really good for
purpose using fairly simple technologies
can you tell us a little bit about who started it um so jessica i forgot jessica’s last
name i apologize to her and brian granger who’s now
part of the jupiter project steering group were the people who started it
back in 2014 so it’s been around for a while um 90 of the code is is jessica’s code i
mean it’s all out of her her head it’s all her baby
uh she she’s actually now working in london interestingly enough so
yeah that’s where it’s come from it’s very definitely come out of mit’s implementation of jupiter and how
they work in their ecosystem okay and who maintains the project
jessica is still the main commit pr manager um my colleague bert who
would be with us with us but he’s just become a father so he’s off doing doing new dad things
instead apparently it’s more important than talking to people
so so he he’s another pr manager so there’s a small group of people who
manage it and there’s a larger group of enthusiasts who
put in data requests and things like that do you describe yourself as both of
those no no no no i i leave all of that stuff to bert
okay i don’t i don’t want the responsibility [Laughter]
okay you’re you’re here to just uh walk us through it yeah can you tell us a little bit about
what communities the users and contributors are from so we’ve talked a little bit about you know
the maintainers but you know most of the most of the issues that come up in the project are from
[Music] teachers lecturers who are trying to install it or make it work
quite a lot of them are i’m a beginner and i’m stuck but we get that in almost every project
we’re going to get that but there’s also uh a small group of people who
who are still trying to drive on and improve things in it it’s a relatively small group we
we’re relatively friendly you know you’re friendly i i have other groups where where the
usual answer is read the manual someone asked when the answer is read the manual have you read the manual that
doesn’t help so yes um but it is
people who are teaching normally instructors who are involved in this and do you see it as
like a global community or is it more you know yeah absolutely it’s global community absolutely
most of the people who have the time to do it
are coming from american institutions but that’s just the nature of the way that institutions around the
world work but yeah there are people from europe there are there’s ourselves i think there’s a guy from iceland i
can’t remember uh so yeah i mean there’s there’s a whole range of people out there there’s
people from the people of the middle east i’m not sure if there’s any japanese
didn’t notice any so yeah but it’s all over if you’re in education and you’re using
jupiter it’s a product that you can absolutely use it sounds like it’s quite a diverse
especially with people around the world yeah but is the project participating in any diversity and inclusion
efforts okay i’m going to i’m going to kind of pick you up on this one what do
you mean by participate in is there any say formal programs or
attempts to um improve the diversity inclusion within the project uh
and and to a certain extent i personally i actually find this a bit
of a horse that people jump on in a lot of software uh
nobody cares what color your skin is nobody cares what your lifestyle
preference is nobody cares what your immediate abilities are i actually knew a french programmer who
was blind i mean completely blind and he was writing programs
right so in the jupiter ecosystem if you can somehow interact with the
system then you can interact with the project if you’re going to push code requests in
we won’t know if you’re blind or not blind we don’t care you can’t tell what color
somebody’s skinning you can’t tell what ethnic background they might or might not have is completely irrelevant
so we don’t participate in or not participate in we just want
programmers the best who interact with us yeah that makes sense
so yeah sorry about that little little horse i i shall calm down now shall i well maybe you could elaborate on some
of the maybe community building efforts that your project is doing so like obviously you want programmers
right and you want to retain them yes um and so that would be a nice you know
sometimes dni efforts exactly align with community building right and so is is envy greater doing any
specific sort of community building or like outreach i don’t think it’s particularly big
enough to do that on its own it’s a relatively small project in that sense
the the service that i run which happens to use nb grader i have a desire to go and make it
available to scottish schools particularly edinburgh schools because i think that
being able to do online teaching computational notebook teaching is
something that students school students will
um will enjoy and will learn from and this way of doing assignments really
well really works well in that environment so i think our service
wants to engage with schools and it’s it’s using the mb grader
project as the hook for doing that but mb grader is a jupiter project
doesn’t really have the resources to go and do anything on its own yeah it’s that’s part of like being in a
larger ecosystem right like in some ways are are
you a lot of power because you’re in this larger ecosystem but also you’re constrained by some of its um stuff but another thing
like another dna thing that was brought up at scipy was translating documentation to different languages for example
right like that’s an inclusion thing that you know maybe it could be a barrier to
entry for people because the default is assumed to be english generally in in a lot of open source
programming right and again if you’re going down that line
actually to be properly language
or to have lots of different languages available so i18n is it off the top of my head
can’t remember um you actually now need to have
people involved in your project who understand the language to translate it into
because language language translation is not just a case of this word is this word in french is
this word in german is right it’s semantic meaning particularly when you’re doing
documentation for code semantic meaning is really important
and so you need people who understand the system to help write that documentation in those
languages so i’ve got several horses i jump on i do apologize
thank you for sharing that i just want to quickly remind everyone who’s listening uh feel free to ask any questions uh for ian and we will get back to those
at the end of this episode uh so now we’re gonna shift into the project demo part of the episode so we’re gonna see
some cool features of mb grader and how it works so while ian is getting set up here i would like to take
the opportunity to thank our sponsor quansite for sponsoring this uh episode of open source directions
kwonsite creating value from data so when you’re ready and take it away yep
okay uh i have to say up front that that you’ve only given me about 10 minutes which is which is not a lot of time to
talk about what is quite a complicated system so this is really really cut down
on what nb grader is so i hope it’s interesting i hope it
covers enough if there’s any questions that get sparked absolutely ask questions
so the first thing we want to do is just reaffirm what what domain what environment we’re
talking about and we are talking about jupiter notebooks and trying to get stuff from a teacher to
a number of students and then back again so that’s the environment we’re in and
mb grader really comes from an environment let’s put it at the right screen where we’re talking about
um jupiter hub as our
overarching environment so the the teacher and the students are all in one
compute environment they’re all on one machine so it makes sharing a bit easier
so mb grader was written as that kind of intermediate bit
so it takes the document from the teacher puts into some kind of
exchange system the students can collect it put it back
into the exchange and go back to the teacher that’s that that’s how that flow goes
so mbgrader had to write something on the teacher side to create assignments
get them out to students and something on the student side to fetch them work on them return them
and then marking marketing’s remarkably difficult actually
so this is nb grader so again the marketing is that is it automated through nb greater the marking
process you can do both actually uh it is assumed that the first time you
mark it will be there’ll be automatic grading in there but then you go in and you manually
grade things and actually can leave comments as well because that’s something that’s really
important when you’re teaching is to be able to just say to a student if you did this slightly differently it
would look nicer or it would work better feedback is really important definitely
so this is the environment that nba grader works in
this is the this is a an example of a notebook that a student will receive
so in the in the top square is a box that they can fill in where they’re going to write their
function the second jupiter the second notebook
will just give you an output the third one is the assert python command
so if the third cell passes with no errors the student will be awarded points
okay so it’s nice and simple this isn’t what the instructor writes
though the instructor has to write a bit more so the student can get this so this is
what the instructor has when they create it you’ll notice
they’ve actually got a solution in there so they can run through the notebook check everything works
right and you can also see that in the third cell this is where they get two points
so as it runs through if it runs through and the third cell passes with no errors they are autograded for two points
that’s how that works this is the instructor’s management page
if you want so ian i don’t mean to interrupt but on the last page absolutely
you had um two hidden tests um yes on the second thing that were not
shown to the student right do you want to maybe talk a little bit about what the hidden tests mean
it’s just one of those things that you might want to have tests so some of your tests
may actually give away how you write the solution
so there will be some tests that you want to run automatically but not indicate to the student how you
solve it and you can do that by hiding the test i see
okay so that those hidden tests also go into the points allocation yes right yeah okay all right and
it is unfortunately because then be great because notebooks are relatively
simple if you if all of the asserts pass
you get the two points [Music] if any of them fail you get no points
auto grading you can go in manually in
divi up point some other way jan’s got a question here hidden tests
may be there to prevent students from just returning yes absolutely absolutely
um effectively jan is saying that in the the the deaf squares bit you could just
hack a thing that returns the two options right and and the two hidden tests
actually go around that so teachers management page this is where
we’re creating our assignments as you notice there’s a student version
and an instructor version or teacher version so you you create an assignment and you can
have multiple assignments in your course because you’re doing multiple bits of homework
you create the instructor version you then generate the student version
which is the generate column with little hat if it’s generated you can then preview
the version the student gets you can release it which is now when the student can see it to fetch it at some point you will want
to collect the submissions your student give you and i’ll come to that in a second
if you collect things then you’ll have some number of submissions which you can then go and look at and
mark and whatever and add feedback to
having marked everything you can then generate the feedback files
and you can then release the feedback files or then go to the students i’m telling you this is a really high
level this is a very nice walk-through thank
you yeah this is good so the student students life is much
easier students lives are always much easier than teachers [Laughter]
so in in the top we’ve got three three tables here in the top table are the assignments that are available
to the student that they haven’t yet got the second one is the assignments they’ve downloaded
and i haven’t shown it on this but the little arrow at the side of the assignment name if you click on it it
folds down and shows you the notebooks that you’re working on so you can go to each
notebook you work on them save them when you’re finished you can submit them
they then go back up the teacher can collect them
when they’ve finished marking them and they’ve released their assignment you will then see in the bottom cell
you’ll have a thing for collecting feedback and viewing your feedback
and the feedback that comes back to the student looks like this again it takes advantage of jupiter’s
jupiter notebooks thing of converters so it takes a notebook and converts it
to an html file which is why underneath the cell we have
this comments section this is the feedback
so the feedback on this essentially is saying that the the data list creation
if that was after the the test it might make your code slightly quicker
because then you only create it if you’re going to use it rather than
every time little bits of feedback are useful
you’ll also see at the top that it’s got all your scores and where where you get
your points from or not
right workflow jupiter’s workflow is quite complicated i’m afraid
eleven steps the first step is instructor creates the notebook so that’s the one that’s
got the answers already in it and in theory that notebook should run all the way through with no errors
they then generate the student version releases student version into the exchange the student fetches it
works on it submits it step five the instructor collects it auto grades
it manually goes through for partial marks
anything that can’t be autograded adding comments releases the feedback
back into the exchange step 10 and then step 11 is the student can fetch the feedback
oh that’s a hugely hugely high level view on what envy grader is
as you can imagine those steps can be quite complicated underneath and you’ve made it so simple
so that was great thank you so that’s as far as we’re going to go and i want to disappear off and go and drive cars please
i love this this is amazing okay i like this interspersal of notebook rating and also car racing
don’t spend your time sat in front of a computer go outside get out get out the outdoors i couldn’t
agree more maybe people who are listening to this later are outdoors driving and listening
multitasking listening to open source directions and doing it i’m half asleep in there
anyway never mind okay right
i sure i shall stop i shall stop boring you with my my car
that wasn’t boring at all very high level tips any questions absolutely now is the
time to ask them and i shall try and answer some of them for you
yeah we have a q a that will happen right after the road map so if you have any more questions about notebook raider please
add them to the chat and we’ll make sure to ask them we’re now going to move on to the
roadmap discussion part of the episode so this is another fun segment of this webinar where we’ll talk about mb grader
where it’s heading and what kind of future directions it’s taking so with that ian can you tell us a little
bit about more about what directions mb greater is is heading there’s
there’s a few that there’s a few fairly big issues that that need to be looked at and are being looked at
the fact that mb creator came from an environment where it was assumed that everything was
on one computer is a bit of a problem because when you
have a class of 300 students you can’t all be on one computer that’s a really big computer so a lot of
this stuff is has moved into the cloud and embed graders came from one computer
one file system environment that doesn’t really translate into the cloud
so we’ve done a fair amount of work in trying to extract the exchange from this file
system base into a as yes completely separate element
and your notebook copies the files off to this exchange and then downloads them
from this exchange rather than just copying the rest of our system so that that’s actually
that work is in the master branch it’s just not in a release tag yet
so if you do a pip install you don’t get it but if you do a install from
github you will get it that’s that that’s one that we were working
quite a lot it’s also stuck in jupiter classic notebook it’s not available in jupiter
lab jupiter labs actually written in
i think typescript and react i think not just straight javascript and jquery
which is what the classic notebook’s in so the plugins don’t work so there is some work
to move across uh university californ university california davis they had
some students who were doing some work on that unfortunately like anything where you have some enthusiastic students doing
some work they then hit the end of their course or semester or whatever period there is
and and have to go and do other things and and it’s sitting there waiting for someone else to come along and work on
it it’s it’s the sad sad situation of
lots and lots of open source projects is that you are reliant on
people having time to do these things so that’s that’s that’s where over that one
there’s another problem in that actually you want to handle multiple courses
so in our environment we have the the authentication actually comes in
from the virtual learning environment and so you have lots of students across
lots of courses and actually the student can be on a different course so dealing with multiple courses needs to
be handled better i i hadn’t realized and actually if i
think about it if i thought about it more sensibly i hadn’t realized that quite often
tutors actually have multiple markers for homework
what they do is they get one person to mark question one for 300 students and a
separate person to mark question two and a third person right nb graders
wasn’t set up to do that yeah so that’s something that needs to be looked at but it requires a
ground up redesign because it starts off on this one instructor
one course one computer where it works there’s also nothing in there for
deleting assignments again it comes from this one course one
instructor environment and you throw away the box and build another one for the next course
so you can’t delete assignments easily and that instructor’s list of assignments just grows and grows and
grows okay so we could do with having something in there for deleting
those are the top level ones people have been talking about writing
exchange plugins and so that it goes off and talks to get in some variety
for storage people are interested in the thing that have done and if
you’ve come across that coke actually to make it work went and rewrote jupiter notebooks
anyway they could do it collaborative editing actually having two students together
working on the same thing at the same time not two separate computers in two
separate rooms but sat together working together actually help each other learn like a programming
type thing yes it’s peer programming but called something softer i think so yeah
but you can’t do that in jupiter notebook because of the way it’s written so
that’s something that people would like to see in here um
various things like that that could do with coming some of them are more jupiter-centric
than nb grader but yeah being able to have multiple markers
being able to have multiple courses being able to work in jupiter lab they’re all fairly big ones
that are either being worked on or need to be picked up again and no doubt
we’ll end up picking up the lab one for example might we’ll come back to come back to haunt us for something we want to do
because it’s pretty service so if somebody wanted to start contributing to you know um and be
greater maybe wants to get more involved at the development level in the community um
like what things do need to get picked back up what like specific things you you need a computer you need to do
git fork start programming yeah yeah i mean seriously right but when your projects
are open which one needs somebody to see like which one of the prs isn’t being actively or like
consequences of being actively worked on you know um if you go to the the repo you’ll see
which ones are there and just ask just ask us just go i’m interested in this
[Music] there’s a guy’s actually it’s been sitting in the back of his head for a
while he’s just pushed up a pr for adding a lot more technical documentation there’s lots of
fairly good documentation kind of mid-level but nothing really techy on how it works
underneath okay like for developers for example yeah so he’s written that lots of i’m
actually come from a pearl world i learned my programming in pearl land and python programmers seem to seem to
think that documentation is called code you go and read the code to work out how
it works and i think there should be more documentation so i’m quite glad to see this i think this is really useful
i’m a big fan of documentation and documentation is such a nice way to get involved in the community because you
can like learn a lot from the code itself and then you know somebody reviewing your documentation
you can really find out very quickly if you’ve misunderstood something about the code right so yes that’s always a wonderful
way to get involved in the community but there’s actually a thing where if you
can write it down you have it in your head properly yeah try to explain to someone
else too is just yes yeah means you understand it we all think we understand something
but if you actually try and explain it to someone you can’t yeah right if you’re gonna write it
down it’s a really good way to know you understand something
to write it down yeah definitely awesome well we’ve just got a question
from jan kim um are there any facilities to automatically grade
course organization uh example if you are if you require that students write classes can then be greater
check that solutions are structured accordingly
so i i kind of want to ask what he means by that so are you asking about whether
the i’m going to go with python because jupiter is essentially a python environment
are you are you talking about the they’re writing the the code structurally correct
are you talking about are they so if i if i go back to my example a
minute bear with us for a minute while we flick around screens and i share with you
i like your questions like this this is really good and also clarified uh said sorry i mean
code organization yes yeah let me let me let me drop down to
this example here okay so in our top square where we’re defining
this square we can’t see your screen right now green screen i’m too far ahead of you there we are
that one we’re just keeping you on your toes we’re just keeping on your toes again
that’s good okay so essentially what nb grader is doing is it’s
at its low level it is um running
cell 3 on the screen and if it’s true it gives you two points
what you can what you can do is you’ll see that cell one is as an
autograded answer so you so you will see that the instructor
will see that and will be able to manually
give you a an idea of how well it is formatted but unless you can think of a
way of programmatically testing that that is
well formatted you won’t be able to automatically
grade it does that make sense
you can say no so it seems like yeah if somebody if the instructor
wanted to teach for example i think um jan mentioned classes or something right
you could see that a student uh creates certain methods within the class
and that each method exists right yes um and that that method operates and you
can also look for certain class attributes absolutely make sure that they exist so you could programmatically
like check certain parts of the class but maybe it would be more challenging
uh to do something even higher level than that right if you wanted somebody to write a package
uh or like a student try to package that like a notebook is not necessarily maybe the best place to be
writing a package and so that would become more challenging right yeah so that that’s a really good
example actually much better than anything i was thinking of so absolutely if you want someone to write a
an object class you can then test to see the object attributes on that class and
whether the functions are working so at that point you can absolutely test that it is working
in which case you can auto grade it but if you’re looking at code flow if it’s that kind of human centric
thing that’s a human judgment call and therefore manually graded
i don’t know if that helps john i think i said that was helpful definitely
right awesome all right well now it’s time for our world famous rant and rave section uh we all get 16 15
seconds to rant or rave about whatever topic we want uh so ian uh it’s your soapbox first
only 15 and what you don’t give me any time for these things okay my rant
i start i started off in i’ve been programming for far too many years i started off in the days of of the lamp
stack linux apache mysql and php nice and simple for this service we’re
running for the rotable servers we’re running i have and i counted it this morning i have 33
different languages and technologies that i have to juggle and be aware of and be able to use
to keep my service running 33 just like and we’re talking puppet
to manage vms all the way up to um w3c accessibility and aria
attributes on your html i mean the whole spectrum you would now have to know
so yes my rant is why has the world got so complicated
a very existential question ian can we go back to simple i’m just a
simple man i want simple [Music] medicine do you want to share yours yeah
um i have a rant today and it is about um recording
specifically like pretty fine cording like maybe for your headphones or uh your computer charger why do they
always split it happens like within a year of buying it and then it starts spraying at some
random point that gets like a lot of stress usually it’s like near where it’s turned or something
i’m annoyed i don’t want to have to re-buy these i spent a bunch of money on this product design better cords i’m tired of this so
everyone listening someone needs to do it pick it up yeah feel my rage okay feel it through
the screen feel it through whatever speakers you’re listening i know where you’re coming from i absolutely know where you’re coming from
see see ian feels my rage you should feel me it’s a cable across
the headband that always goes for me yes yes across the headbands always goes
i don’t want airpods i want cups over my ears i want to drown out the lawn mowers i need a good card
oh i’ll tell you a tell you what tell what i have hearing aids you try and find
headphones that go over the full ear i spend my life with with my hearing
aids crushed between my ear and my skull oh no because because headphones clamp
we need huge cups yes this see okay so extra rant
headphone cups related don’t break every 30 seconds
i feel your pain all right it’s just a little bit of a i
guess it’s called a rant and it’s just i it’s what we’ve got one month left of summer now
and to me it’s the most uneventful summer that i’ve ever had in my life i don’t know about everyone else so it’s kind of just a bit sad sam’s usually my favorite
month but you can’t really do much with everything going on now um yeah that’s all we have time for
today so thank you very much everyone for tuning in and listening uh you can find us on twitter at open
teams inc and at quansite ai in where can people find you and be greater
so embi code is on github mentioned that before for me and our organization i work for
an organization called adina e-d-i-n-a we’re at the university of edinburgh
in scotland i’ll go say we’re in edinburgh but actually we’re all working at home at the moment so
[Laughter] i’m in my house with a nice shed and my
car’s attached i’m a much happier place nice nice and here’s our here’s our call to
action to all open source contributors sign up to open team today to build your online profile
also if you’ve been listening to this on youtube please leave a review or a comment and like the video
let us know what you think please come and join us next episode where we will have our pie
and eat it too with senpai thanks everyone
thanks ian bye look