Polars Essentials

Date: May 16th, 2024
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. EDT

Price: $150.00



Intake Workshop

Overviews Intake, a lightweight package for building and effectively using data catalogs with Python. Intake helps with finding, investigating, loadin…

Numba Workshop

Introduces participants to Numba, a tool for Just-in-Time compilation of Python code. Participants practice profiling sample application codes and acc…

RAPIDS Workshop

Introduces the open-source Python RAPIDS libraries for accelerating computation with GPUs (graphics processing units). Participants practice using the…

Dask-ML Workshop

Introduces participants to Dask-ML for scaling standard Python machine learning tools (e.g., Scikit-Learn, XGBoost). Participants apply various pre-bu…

Nebari Workshop

Introduces participants to Nebari, an open-source data science platform developed for collaboration and scalability. Participants will familiarize the…

Advanced Python Workshop

Provides a deep-dive into internal features of the Python programming language as related to asynchronous computation, concurrency, efficiency, functi…

HoloViz and Panel Workshop

Builds techniques for web-based data exploration and interactive-app development in Python using open-source Holoviz libraries (that is, HoloViews, Hv…

Computer Vision Workshop

Prepares practitioners to tackle the automated analysis & interpretation of images with practical computer vision systems. This includes the rudiments…

Xarray Workshop

Introduces participants to the Xarray project for manipulating multi-channel data (e.g., as occur commonly in geosciences, etc.). Participants practic…